Sunday, 24 January 2010

How authors could boost their income

Amazon has said that authors that self-publish through their website will be offered 70% royalties

Friday, 22 January 2010

Becoming a mystery shopper

Mystery shopping: results can shape your future. (conducting mystery shopping surveys): An article from: Bank MarketingThe Secrets of Mystery Shopping RevealedMystery shoppers are basically offering a kind of survey and research service.

You will need to initially seeks out potential customers to get started.

Draw up a list of potential customers with say a 30-40 miles radius,perhaps less if you have no car.
Potential customers  are retail shops,restaurants,garages,hotels etc
Send a sales letter to a potential customer,telephone hem if you don't hear from them for a while.

In this present recession,price competiitively,find out what your competitors charge(usually mystery shopping service  are advertised under market research) and try to undercut them.

You could offer your services initally for free to build up a reputatiion.

Some services that you  pay for a fee to supposely find work are scams. pays £5/£10 per assignment

Thursday, 14 January 2010

Paid to tweet/twitter

I believe some local authorities/papers are paying people to tweet about local events.

Not sure if legit it think i will check with twitter some time